Youngest Speaker @Spring I/O & Spring ViewComponent creator.
Passionate about building awesome software with Spring + HTMX. Pushing full-stack development with Spring forward.
Supercharging Hypermedia Driven Application with Spring ViewComponent · Why should you even care? Spring Boot developers usually build JSON APIs that get...
You can share test code between modules/projects easily using the Gradle java-test-fixtures plugin. plugins { id("java-test-fixtures") } This...
Nowadays Spring is typically only used for JSON API backend development.We build the web frontend with a JavaScript framework, but why? Probably...
I've been building my web frontends with Spring Boot for a few years. But I recently heard that some Spring Boot developers still create their web...
htmx is an awesome library to build interactive web applications directly in HTML, without the javascript headache. In my htmx project, I wanted to...
I'm excited to announce the release of Spring ViewComponent v0.7.0 today. You can grab the release from Maven Central by following the instructions...